Thursday, November 12, 2020


It is Thursday, November 12, 2020... at 6:21 am. Last night the Ball State University Cardinals beat the Eastern Michigan University Eagles 38-31, in an exciting game of Wednesday night college football. 

I am currently relaxing at home. I am sitting on my couch, listening to music, and drinking coffee. Even though it is still relatively early, I am already finished working for the day. 

The cool thing about living in the year 2020, is the technology that we have at our fingertips. 

In the year 2005, I used to drive to work to send and receive emails. In the year 2000, I used to take the bus to work to make phone calls in an attempt to sell things. In the year 1995, I used to walk to work to get my paycheck. 

This morning, I sent and received emails in reference to my business from my couch. This morning, I made phone calls in an attempt to sell products for my business from my couch. This morning, I received payment for selling my products from my couch. 

I like living in the year 2020. 

Another cool thing about living in the year 2020, is knowing that the technology that we have at our fingertips can be turned off. 

I have worked a lot of hours in my life. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to learn a lot of things while working for other people. 

I am grateful that I took the chance on investing in myself. I am grateful for having the ability to have my work and the investment in myself work for me, while I simultaneously get to play. 

With all of that being said... today... I am going to go for a very slow walk. I am going to turn parts of my technology off, while keeping other parts of my technology on. It is going to be warm outside today. The leaves on the trees are beautiful. The variety of colors is amazing. I might take a few pictures. 

I am also going to continue to pray for Maggie.

That is all for now. 



Friday, August 21, 2020


It is Saturday August 22, 2020, at 12:46 am. Last night the Los Angeles Clippers beat the Dallas Mavericks 130-122 in Game 3 of the First Round of the NBA playoffs. I am currently sitting on my balcony, typing on my phone, and listening to nature.


The Earth is still in the middle of a global pandamemic. A disease being called coronavirus is still killing a lot of people every day.


During this pandemic, I have been doing a lot of watching, listening, and learning. I have been continuously taking in new information, synthesizing new information with information that I have already learned, releasing all outdated and incorrect information that is no longer of use to me, and continuously reconfiguring and refining my perception of the Earth. During this pandamemic, what I have been doing is performing photosynthesis on the Earth, and on myself. 


During this pandamemic, I have been taking a lot of walks. On my walks, I do a lot of thinking. While I was on one of my walks, I came to a realization. 

I realized that while I was doing photosynthesis on the Earth, the Earth is and has always been doing photosynthesis on me. 


When I was a child, I saw the movie the Terminator. During a scene in the movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character was looking into the mirror. He had been through a lot of trauma, and his body was extremely damaged. He was looking into the mirror to best determine how he could heal himself. 

At some point during the scene, Arnold's character took out his eye. It was too damaged to salvage. After taking out his eye, Arnold continued to attempt to save the rest of his body with just one eye. 


At a point in my life after I had been through a lot of trauma, I walked into the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. I had tears in my eyes. While I was crying, I lifted up my eyelid. 

At that moment, I realized that if I took out my own eye, "I" still would be able to function. "I" then realized that even if I chopped off my own arm, took out a piece of my own rib, or even cut off a piece of my own lung, "I" would still be the thing that made me, "me." 

I then looked at my eyes in the mirror and asked myself the question... 

What am "I" ???


At my earliest and purest form, "I" was a piece of sperm. "I" have previously learned that a piece of sperm is light surrounded by water. I have previously learned that light is consciousness, and that water holds emotion. I have previously learned that consciousness is information, and that conscious information is electric. 

What does all of that mean? 

If "I" can take out parts of my body and still function, that means that I am not really my body. 

If "I" exchange air with the Earth during every breath of my life, that means I am not my breath, air, or emotion. 

What that means is that at my purest form, "I" am an electric piece of conscious information. 


In my 3rd dimensional form on Earth as an adult human, "I" am an electric piece of information, surrounded by water, covered in skin. In my 3rd dimensional form on Earth as an adult human, I am a "cell."

In my 3rd dimensional form on Earth as an adult human, "I" breathe and exchange air with the planet for 24 hours a day. What that means is that the Earth also holds emotion. In my 3rd dimensional form on Earth as an adult human, I absorb light from the planet for 24 hours a day. What that means is that the Earth holds both emotion and consciousness. 


Throughout my life, "I" was told that the Earth was round, and that "we" lived on a "planet" in a place called "space." My life experiences and the information that I have received throughout my life has made me come to understand that the conscious and emotional space called Earth is actually the macrocosmic Heart of the conscious and emotional being that we are living inside of.


During my daily walks, I like to look at nature. When I look at the Earth with a different level of perception... trees become nuerotransmitters, clouds become suppressed thoughts, rivers become conscious suppressions, icebergs become unconscious suppressions, thunder becomes a paradigm shift, rain becomes externalized emotion, oceans become blood, Antarctica becomes a really big piece of suppressed emotion, and the Firmament becomes a really solid collection of emotions that surround the heart of GOD. 


During my walks, I like to sun gaze. After sun gazing for a while, receiving information, and doing correlations... I realized that the sun was not what I always what I thought it was. As my eyes became acclimated to the brightness of the sun, I realized that the sun was not what I had always been told. I realized that there was a rim around what I thought was the "sun." I also realized that through the rim "around" the sun, that light was swirling into the Earth. After continuing to do correlations, I realized that what was really happening was that there was a hole in the suppressed emotion surrounding the Heart of the Earth, and the information from the Solar Plexus Chakra of the macrocosmic being that we are living inside of was penetrating the hole and was being received by both the microcosmic cells of the Earth and the macrocosmic Heart Chakra of the being that us cells are living inside of. I also realized that the information being received from the Solar Plexus Chakra by the Heart Chakra moves the hole that covers the Heart of the Earth. That is what causes the weather. Emotion and consciousness are attempting to get INTO the heart. When the hole is away from a cluster of cells, that cluster of cells does not receive as much light from the Solar Plexus Chakra, and night time occurs. 

The moon is also inside of the Heart of the being that we are living inside of. The moon is suppressed ice that is trapping suppressed light. The moon is unconscious suppressed emotion that is trapping unconscious suppressed consciousness... or unconscious suppressed information. It is damaged because the macrocosmic being that we are living inside of is opening its heart to its solar plexus chakra, is receiving information that correlates with self confidence, self control, and self worth to the macrocosmic heart of itself and to the microcosmic human cells of the Earth. 

What that means is that Global Warming is the process of the Heart of the macrocosmic being that we are living inside of receiving suppressed information of self confidence, self control, and self worth from its own Solar Plexus Chakra... causing it to melt its own conscious and unconscious suppressed heart spaced emotion... causing it to receive unconscious suppressed information of peace, love, and joy... leading to it opening its Heart Chakra... causing the cells of the Earth to have more self confidence, self control, self worth, love, peace, and joy... causing the hearts and heart chakras of the people of the Earth to open.


Is Global Warming going to eventually melt the moon and the suppressed emotion that is covering the suppressed information of love, peace, and joy of the macrocosmic being we are living in? 

Is that what revelations is about?  

Are certain cells not going to be able to receive and process the information that is going to be received? 

Are certain cells a part of a mind virus intentionally attempting to give the heart of the Earth dis-ease? Is that why certain people are called "dis-ease" experts, and not "ease" experts? Are certain types of cells trying to kill other certain types of cells?

Will the suppressed emotion and cold cells of the mind, crown, or "corona" virus crush the heart of the Earth? Will the dream end, will all of our individual consciousnesses leave our bodies, and will we all just exist again as light, information, and thoughts in the 6th dimension, mind, or collective consciousness of the macrocosmic being that we are living in? Will a new dream begin? Or will the light, consciousness, and information being received by the heart of the macrocosmic being that we are living inside of eventually cause it to melt its own suppressed emotion, release its cold cells, and kill the mind, crown, or "corona" virus that has invaded the heart? Will a dream be revealed?


That is all "I" have for now. 


Friday, June 26, 2020


It is Friday, June 26, 2020, at 10:38 pm. I am sitting on my balcony listening to music, listening to fireworks, and listening to everything else that is going on.

As for my health... my body remains strong, my mind remains at ease, and I remain dis-ease free.

I am good.


That's all I have for now.




Friday, March 20, 2020


It is Friday, March 20, 2020, at 6:04 pm. I just woke up from a nap. Earlier I cut Koi and Quron's hair, chilled with Ziyn, and took a long walk.

As of right now, pretty much the entire world is at a standstill. Most people in most countries are under some sort of mandatory stay at home quarantine. Every non-essential business is closed. The school year for all students at all levels is over. Every sporting season, concert, and entertainment event has been cancelled. No prom, no NCAA Tournament, no nothing. All casinos are closed. All liquor stores are closed. All restaurants are closed. As of right now, we are living in an unprecedented time in human history. 

The reason for these drastic actions being taken is due to the spread of a disease being called Coronavirus, or Covid-19. 

As of right now, I am just calmly watching everything unfold. I really do know how to heal people of all diseases. I really know that there is really only one disease, which is the dis-ease of the emotions. Different combinations of emotions that are at a level of dis-ease result in different names for different diseases. Heart disease, cancer, coronavirus, ebola, swine flu, and every other disease is the same thing; a different combination of emotions that are at a level of dis-ease. 

Understanding that water holds emotion, humans hold water and emotion, the chakra system in the body, and how water and emotion are filtered through the mind and the body really does give me the ability to help others heal their disease. I serendipitously figured this out during my cancer experience. How I healed from terminal cancer is how everyone  can heal from all diseases. I now can intentionally help all other people heal all diseases. 

Even though there is a lot of panic in the world, I still have hope. I still believe that one day the world is going to heal. I still believe that one day the world is going to let me use what I have learned to help others. Until then, I am just going to remain calm, prepared, and patient. 

It is now 7:21 pm. The sun has gone down, but it is still warm outside. I think I am going to go for a walk. I will check back in soon. Peace. 

-Kyle ❤️

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Today is Thursday, January 2, 2020... at 2:03 pm. I just finished cutting my son's hair. Last night the Los Angeles Lakers beat the Phoenix Suns 117-107. This morning I had another really good workout at the gym. I am still in really good shape. Everything and everyone around me is good. I am looking forward to many good things this new year. The future is going to be bright. Today is bright too. That is all I have for now. I will check back in soon. Peace.
