Monday, February 18, 2019

Today is February 18, 2019. Today is President's Day. Tonight there is going to be what is being called a "Super Snow Moon." Last night was the NBA All-Star game. Team Lebron beat Team Giannis by a score of 178-164. I did not watch any of the game. I just finished writing everything below. I wrote this paragraph last. Stay with me.

This blog is slowly coming to an end. I have covered everything I have learned in reference to healing from cancer. This post is another revelation that I recently had in reference to my experience. I felt like the information I conceptualized would be valuable for others to hear, which is why I am sharing that information on my blog here today.

Prior to cancer, I achieved pretty much everything I had ever wanted in my life. That wasn't necessarily always a good thing though. I did not always have the best intentions. Some of the positive things that I eventually obtained in my life also came with another set of negative things that I did not intentionally ask for.

The result of my pursuits eventually led to me losing a lot of the things that I had worked for, led to cancer, and led to me almost losing my life. Fortunately enough for me, my personal moral code and my positive intentions and actions were just good enough for karma not to have killed me after the confession of my sins.

After I lost just about everything other than my own life for revealing my truth, I rebuilt myself from my zero point. My zero point is what I call the lowest point of my life. When I hit my zero point, my intuition immediately told me I was going to be fine. I intuitively knew that my life could not get any worse, and that the only place that I could go from the bottom was up.

Roughly 15 months after I hit my zero point, I released the book, "The DEATH OF a CANCER patient."

I released my book on May 31, 2018... which was about 10 months ago.

Now I knew what my book was when I completed it. If implemented properly and in good timing... the method included in my book really is the cure to all cancer.

I really did have cancer. I took pictures, videos, and wrote about my experiences on my blog from day one. You all saw me in person. Everyone has seen the pictures.

I moved to California and did legal medical cannabis at the beginning of a paradigm shift in this country. Nobody really knew how it worked. I figured that out. I then wrote about it. I then explained why me healing was NOT a miracle via my blog and my book, while simultaneously explaining how the method included in my blog and my book can be cross referenced and applied to all other humans. Everyone saw that too.

The people I meet for the first time in person cannot believe that I am one year past the date that doctors predicted that I would pass away from terminal cancer. Due to my current physical condition, they cannot even believe that I ever had cancer. People cannot even believe that I am 38 years old.

The things that I figured out about health during my cancer journey have really helped me keep my body in the best condition that it can be in. Sometimes I am lazy and unmotivated, but that coincides with my PTSD. Mental illness is the next step down from physical cancer. In doing my own self assessment, I am on the low end of the PTSD spectrum. To me that means that I am at peace with just about all of my past trauma.

I have endured a lot of pain in my life. Every morning that I wake up, I intentionally face that trauma. I eventually get through it, which then eventually helps me get through my day. Getting through that pain first helps me concentrate on whatever I am attempting to focus on during my day. Understanding that I have endured a lot of pain and a lot of adverse situations up to and including accepting my own death prior to cancer surgery helps me alleviate any anxiety that may come up during difficult moments throughout my day. If I suppress my emotions about my trauma they will eventually manifest during my day, which will then take away from what I am attempting to focus on and the wholeness of my day. After I face all of my past, present, and future fears at my zero point, I then have the will and the strength to take on any adverse conditions that I may face during my day.

The cure to cancer is similar to the cure for obesity. If a person is overweight and can endure progressively increasing physical workouts, eat healthy, and can get proper rest... most people under those circumstances will eventually get into shape. If a person with cancer is willing to endure the progressively increasing mental workout of facing their trauma, is willing to continuously face and release a lifetimes worth of pain through means of self expression, and is willing to mentally rest on the fact that what they have left in their life is meaningful and is a blessing... I believe that most people who have been diagnosed with cancer can and will eventually heal themselves.

I am 38 years old, a college graduate, have 2 children, a decorated resume, 3 published books, and have no criminal record. My books literally explain how I healed, and how others can heal tool. My blog, pictures, and videos showed the world in real time how I did it. I can verbally explain the cure to cancer in multiple ways to multiple people who have multiple levels of understanding.

A lot of people know who I am. I know a lot of people in a lot of high level positions in modern American society. These people have a lot of power. These people can make real change. They all know my story. I have done my due diligence, and used my resources to send my books and my information to these entities and to these particular people in hopes of getting this information to the masses. I have both professional and personal relationships with these people. These people are smart enough to conceptualize, synthesize, and understand all of the information that I have presented. These people are qualified enough to validate my claim that what I have written and can explain is the cure to ALL cancer. I am talking about people who are really connected. I am talking about people who are really, really, smart. I am talking about people who are powerful enough to change the entire world as we know it, if they really wanted to.

The fact that these entities and these people have been quiet for so long after I have presented them with my work makes me question their intent. It makes me disheartened, tired, and apathetic at times. It makes me wonder if the people at the top of the social hierarchy in America were trained to teach complicated fractalized versions of non complicated concepts in an attempt to profit from the intentionally misguided and miseducated people at the bottom of the social hierarchy. It makes me question if the people who are in high level positions of power in modern American society are really gatekeepers of the truth, instead of genuine leaders who are attempting to teach and spread real truth.

Our President and our government figures are not people that I aspire to be like. I do not believe that our President and our leadership has the best intentions for the people of the collective. Our president doesn't speak to women or people like a man, leader, or a human being should. He doesn't show gratitude, compassion, respect, or genuine love.

I can explain the cure the cure to cancer. I know the cure to climate change too. He cannot do any of those things.

Even though what I have learned through my experience can help humanity, the leadership of the world does not want what I have learned to reach the masses. The truth about cancer and the truth about climate change will lead to an unprecedented unraveling of history. Most history as we know it will have to be changed. There will also be a "flood" on this earth as Noah, Divinci, and a lot of other historians have figured during their time here on Earth.

Some mainstream science is already talking about the shifting of the poles of the Earth. The real truth cannot be hidden forever. Global warming is the melting of suppressed emotion, and the revealing of the truth. That truth is a threat to leadership, the current regime, and the current way of life as humanity knows it. That truth is a threat to this illusionary world.

I know the truth, understand the truth, and am no longer afraid to speak the truth. Those facts make me a threat in this game that we are all playing. 


We all live on a "planet."

Planet = Plan + Net

My mind has literally been to the "Ethernet," or the etheric place on this planet where the "plan" of earth (the word earth is an anagram for heart) is encapsulated in a "net."

This is how the sky, the ethernet, and humans look like when we initially die, when our awareness astral projects, and our souls leave our bodies. They all literally look like "nets."

This is what the sky looks like when our awareness, soul, sol, light, sun, etc. etc. views it from inside our three dimensional bodies from the human eye:

The Etheric Plane is the truth. That is why the color of the sky is blue. It is the color of the throat chakra. The truth is spirit. The truth is literally air, which is literally a thinner version of water.

Clouds are thoughts that hold emotion. White clouds are pure thoughts and pure emotions. Rain clouds are distorted emotional thoughts. Rain is the release of that emotion. Snow is the melting of hardened emotion of the Firmament(reference the Bible) that our earth is encased in.

We cannot literally see air with the limited perception of our eyes when our awareness is inside of our bodies. On the contrary, our awareness and our soul can literally see air and everything else at a laser level of precision when our awareness is outside of our bodies and the net of the earth.

The Etheric Plane is where the awareness of humans meets the awareness of the sun. The Etheric plane is a where the consciousness of one person can be shared with the consciousness of the all that ever was, is, and ever will be... and vice versa. It is where the separation of duality occurs and where the oneness resides. It is where archetypes were created. It is the "Net" where the information and the "Plan" of the "Heart" is located. Gravity and the light are pulling this net inward towards the core of the earth. That is where all of the secrets of the Earth are kept and the plan for this simulated reality are revealed. While we all can go to this place if we want, we all cannot stay their for too long. Unless we want to permanently leave the illusion that is this Earth, our bodies, and our lives as we know them for good... our consciousness combined with the collective consciousness had to collectively make the choice for me to leave the Etheric Plane and come back into this body.

There are a few different ways that the mind of each human can reach this place for short periods of time in an effort to bring back useful information for the collective. If we sit in nature and absorb the sun, we intuitively receive information in reference to what our personal purpose is for the collective of humanity. If we engage in activities that get us self actualized, our mind intuitively operates from this space, and our bodies will then intuitively absorb this new information while engaged in these activities. If we intentionally ingest plant medicine and meditate on our intentions, the inhibitors in our body open up so our awareness can search and bring back what we seek from the space of the ether.

The simplest way to access this place is to set your intentions before bed and to simply go to sleep. If your unconscious mind is clear, you should be able to reach the ether. If your unconscious mind is not clear or you have anxiety about the future, your sleep might take you to that information instead of the Etheric plane. The result of those experiences are usually nightmares.

Then there is DMT.

My awareness, soul, sol, light, sun, etc. went to the Ethernet while participating in a healing ceremony while I was outside of the country. Dimethyltryptamine(DMT) is in every plant, and in every human. The intention of this ceremony was for me to open my body, go to the etheric plane for the cure to cancer, and then come back to my body and give that cure to myself and to the world. That is literally what I did. My book was the result:

The famous artist Alex Grey attempted to conceptualize his DMT journey in some of his most famous art. Below (in my opinion) is Alex attempting to conceptualize what happened when the awareness of his body initially attempted to intentionally leave his body while on DMT to become one with the sun.

The Spongebob character hides a lot of this information metaphorically in plain sight. The first picture below is an example of what would happen when someone comes back from a DMT journey and the etheric plane. The result of that process is acute schizophrenia... or the mind being flooded with too much awareness/information/light/truth. As displayed in the second picture below, that light then forces self expression or the release of emotion/water from the body.

There is so much more to Spongebob, but I will stop there for now.

The throat chakra is the 5th Chakra, which is why this etheric plane is considered by many as being the 5th dimension.

Once you are in this state and in this dimension, your awareness can literally go to the level of the creator. Everything moves really, really, slow. For example.. your awareness can see the intricate details of how a flower was created while in this state. This process starts with the splitting of the vesica piscis OR starting with the Fibonacci Sequence spiral, depending on what vibration you are on.

Elon Musk has a pet snail named Gary by the way.


I have done enough writing on my blog for the day.

I am about to go for a really, really, slow walk in nature. 




1 comment:

  1. My little princess is so beautiful) I underwent using Dr Itua Herbal Medicine. I had a miscarriage 7 years ago. I still can’t hold back my tears when I remember that horrible period of my life. After my loss I couldn’t get back to life for a long time. I’m glad I have my husband. He gave me support I needed the most. Together we can do everything! We wanted to have kids for a really long time. We’ve gone through a lot, but if you want something badly, you’ll get it! I had to search online on how i can use herbal remedy due to my infertility then i came across Dr Itua how he cure all kind diseases and helped a lady from Kansas City to get pregnant so i contacted him on email,He gave me some guild lines to follow he also send me his herbal medicine via courier service which he instruct me on how to drink it for two weeks really i did and after 7 days of having intercourse with my husband few days later i noticed my period didn't come then i decided to go for check up i was pregnant with a baby,Dr Itua is a genuine miracle man..I've got pregnant from first attempt. We were over the moon! Our girls were born in May 2015. We've just celebrated their first birthday. Finally joy and peace came to our family.Here his Email/Whatsapp Number...+2348149277967/ He cure the following...infertility Liver/kidney Inflammatory,Diabetis,Fribroid,
