I am thinking about workers in a capitalistic economic system... who get paid the same amount of money every single day for their work... that as consumers pay different amounts of money every single day... for strawberries, spinach, and other foods... that never change... and that are essential for the survival of their families... every single day.
I am thinking about workers in a social economic system... who get paid the same amount of currency every single day for their work... that as consumers pay the same amount of money every single day... for strawberries, spinach, and other foods... that never change... and that are essential for the survival of their families... every single day.
I am thinking about workers who get paid in the US Dollar... who get paid the same amount of money every single day for their work... that as consumers pay different amounts of money every single day... for strawberries, spinach, and other foods... that never change... and that are essential for the survival of their families... every single day.
I am thinking about workers who get paid in cryptocurrency... who get paid the same amount of Ethereum every single day for their work... that as consumers pay the same amount of ethereum every single day... for strawberries, spinach, and other foods... that never change... and that are essential for the survival of their families... every single day.
I am thinking about how being paid for work in the US Dollar... is never fair... due to constant inflation and tax.
I am thinking about how being paid for work in Ethereum... is always fair... due to no inflation or tax.
I am thinking about how a strawberry is always a strawberry... so the price for one should never change.
I am thinking about living in a social economic system... where consumers only use Ethereum as currency... can always buy a strawberry... and anything else that never changes... that is essential for life... at prices that never... ever... change.
I thinking about fairness.