It is Saturday, May 8th, 2021, at 4:07 pm.
I just read a news article stating that Bo, the dog of former President Barack Obama, just passed away.
I hope Bo is now able to rest in peace.
I am sitting on the couch with Tatiana, our new dog Bagel, and a bunch of blankets and pillows. We are watching music videos, drinking beverages, and resting in peace.
DMX is rapping on tv.
Tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of the completion of my 4th published book, drops.
drops is my favorite book of all time.
I am finally settling into understanding the value and eventual cultural impact of all of my work.
I am going to celebrate by enjoying my health, fresh air, and my peace.
I am in a really good mood.
The future is going to be ok.
I have faith in the work of previous generations, my generation, and a new future all encompassing generation.
I have faith in it all.
I believe that a New World Order is going to consolidate culture, and not cancel it.
I believe that a new generation of revolutionaries are going to establish new cultural traditions.
I believe that the masses will follow.
I believe that new traditions are going to establish a new social order based on true need, and true value.
I believe that this new social order will establish a new culture of peace, fresh air, and freedom.
I believe that this new culture of peace, fresh air, and freedom will provide everyone who abides by the cultural principles, the opportunity for independent interdependent happiness.
When I was younger, I played quarterback when I played football.
Right now in life, I feel like I am playing wide receiver.
I feel like the New World Order is calling the plays.
I feel like I am already receiving the independent interdependent happiness that being in this culture and abiding by its principles provides.
I am excited for the masses to follow.
It is now 5:30 pm. It is now 89 degrees outside. Tat is playing her video game. Bagel is playing with a stuffed animal. I am going to make some Starbucks Sumatra Dark Roast Whole Bean 100% Arabica Coffee, sit on the back porch, and think about how much happier Bo probably is in Heaven than he was on Earth.