Random honest thoughts during my daughters 8th grade graduation:
I am thinking about how while most people think that money is the root of all evil ... I think that creating systems that warrant receiving titles, attention, and achievements ... but also lead to unconscious motivation to perpetuate systems that do not benefit the masses for money and attention ... is even more evil.
I am thinking about operation paperclip, education, psychology, Nazi's, NASA, Wernher von Braun, his legacy, his tombstone, space, water, ice, the sun, the moon, the black sun, the North Star, the Swastika, Egypt, the pyramids, the Sphynx, gods, dogs, noses, eyes, lies, suppressions, energy, decpetion, confessions, the Bible, religious texts, scripture, culture, society, social hierarchy, language, music, the media, television, inverted truth, misled purity, false prophets, false preachers, false teachers, false healers, false leaders, false paths, fake love, fake laughs, fake smiles, fake success, fake wealth, and fake health.
I am also thinking about true lies, true truth, true wealth, true health, true success, true smiles, true laughs, and true, true love.
I am thinking about how the Black girl and the Dominican girl who are performing are trying so hard , struggling , and failing to sing some z100 song at this assembly. I am internally laughing at the fake off beat non soulful claps from certain staff members. I am thinking about how awfully boring this is. I am thinking about watering plants, and I don't even have a garden. I am thinking about how lit this assembly would have been if the students sang to Cardi B. Everyone knows all of the words to all of her songs.
I am thinking about how the guest speaker at this assembly is a pure, kind, and good man with pure intentions. I am thinking about how we have a 30+ year relationship, and he is my friend.
I am thinking about how I would not post my feelings about a fake wedding on social media.
I am thinking about all of the attention that I am intentionally ignoring right now.
I am thinking about all of the people who are intentionally ignoring me right now.
I am thinking about how I was once a commencement speaker at a high school graduation, due to the fact the my book was used as part of student curriculum. I am thinking about how 4 books later, nobody knows who I am.
I am thinking about first world money in third world culture.
I am thinking about how the majority of minority students do not aspire to be like the majority of their leaders. The majority of child students who participate and are successful in these systems are so because they think being successful in these systems is a secure way to obtain money in this society. They are right. Majority leaders are smart enough to understand the influence of minority leaders and the influence that money has on everything else ... so majority leaders intentionally groom , indoctrinate, miseducate, and reward the best minority leaders with money and attention to perpetuate systems that do not benefit the masses ... especially systems that leave the remaining minorities at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
I am thinking about how I am embarrassed for the administration on stage at this assembly due to the fact that they know the performers, students, audience, janitors, and even themselves aren't into the second G - rated politically correct student musical performance of this assembly.
I am thinking about how the students literally boo'd the principal back to his seat and refused to hear his closing story, because this 2 hour assembly has been so boring, he is wack, and everyone just really wants to get out of here. I am thinking about how he conceptualized his speech by saying, "Go to college ... it is a sure way to get a job and make money."
I am thinking about South America, Africa, and Asia.
I am thinking about Los Angeles, and Allentown.
I am thinking about how the youth of the future and the truth of forever are going to eventually outlive oppressive systems of the present and individualistic ideals of the past.
I am thinking about lunch.